ACL Combustion NEWS
Ron Truelove will be speaking at the OSHA Oil & Gas Safety and Health Conference, December 14-15, 2021. Topic: Safety Considerations for Fired Equipment at Oil and Gas Facilities
![OSHA Oil and Gas Conference](images/2021_12_14_OGEC_Houston.jpg)
ACL Combustion Inc. exhibited at the SOER Oil and Gas Expo in Oklahoma City, OK October 11, 2018 from 9am to 3pm (with a free lunch served).
![SOER Oil and Gas Expo](images/SOER_oil_and_gas_expo.jpg)
Ron Truelove spoke at the OSHA Oil & Gas Safety and Health Conference December 4-5, 2018. Topic: Heater Burner Automation Reduces Operator Injury Risk
![SOER Oil and Gas Expo](images/oilgas_safety_conf_2018.png)
ACL Combustion Inc. has attended the following trade shows.
![Global Petroleum Show](images/2017_GPS_show.png)
Global Petroleum Show - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
June 13-15, 2017